
Creating Adaptive Organizations with Agile Business Planning

Creating Adaptive Organizations with Agile Business Planning

The ability to respond to changes in the organizational environment is more critical than ever. Businesses in every industry are being disrupted and are increasingly turning to techniques like OKR, Agile, and lean-agile leadership to navigate uncertainty. Despite the increased demand for these techniques, many leaders aren't sure how to start on their journey to creating agile cultures while continuing to deliver value to the organization.

In this webinar, business agility expert Steven Voyles discusses how Agile Business Planning can help you create a more adaptive organization. He talks about how tools like Adaptive Quarterly Steering, OKR, and Enterprise Planning Rooms can enable your organization to change course quickly while keeping everyone aligned.

Memphis Agile Meetup May 2020 - Writing OKRs that will Focus, Inspire, and Engage your team

The ability to focus organizational capacity on it's highest priorities is a critical skill that sets great organizations apart from others. Objectives and Key Results is a framework for creating that focus and it's used by organizations like Netflix, Amazon, The Gates Foundation, and many more.

In this video, you'll see OKR expert Steven Voyles facilitate a workshop to help Memphis Agile Meetup attendees understand what OKRs are and write real examples to take back to their organizations.

Don't Ask Business Partners To Be Product Owners on Agile Teams

Asking business partners to become product owners on agile teams creates issues that can lead to products that don't align with customer needs. While it's great if a product owner has domain knowledge in how your business works, being a product owner requires skills they likely don't have. Make sure you're supporting them on their journey.

Powerful Questions for Leaders Entering Agile Transformations

As more organizations realize the need to be adaptive in the marketplace, "Agility" as an organizational concept has increased in popularity. Organizations in every industry in every corner of the globe are searching for ways to make themselves more "Agile." While this is excellent news for those of us that want to see these practices adopted for the benefit of everyone in all organizations, the increased popularity doesn't come without drawbacks. This increased focus on organizational agility has created a paradigm in which many leaders see "agile transformation" as necessary to keep their jobs even if they don't fully understand what organizational agility looks like or the sacrifices required to move in that direction.

If you are considering leading an effort to increase agility in your organization, here are some questions that are vital to ask before heading out. The answers your senior leadership team gives you to these questions can help you understand if you have the support to make agile practices stick in your organization.